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Showing posts from November, 2009


These days, advertisement companies have been so creative to attract television watchers to use their products. Here, one example... DISCLAIMER: THIS VIDEO WAS SENT TO ME FROM A FRIEND VIA E-MAIL SERVICE.

I can see nothing beneath your heart...

Sometimes, something; Sometimes, nothing... INDICATION, perhaps? ... Given to me, indeed... Can tell you the story of my goods and deeds; I can just tell, but not swell; that it is an indication. ... I do not know; if it is true, or just a stupid clue... My mind is muddy but, My heart is heavy does it show... I lose the track that loses me, So here I go. ... Maybe, I just dreming- building castles in the air... NO!!! My heart says no... It is not in maya version (computerized)... It is not my thinking. It is true. ... Still, I don't get it. What is hidden inside you... I can see nothing beneath your heart. ... YOU will not expect the person this blog is indicated to. This song makes me remember of the wrongness I did, It made me asked several people about some questions. MAA, Sarah, thanks for your responds...

Little Johnny is back!

Little Johnny's at it again..... A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, 'Everyone who thinks they're stupid, stand up!' After a few seconds, Little Johnny stood up. The teacher said, 'Do you think you're stupid, Little Johnny?' 'No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!' ... * * * * * * * * * * * ... Little Johnny watched, fascinated, as his mother smoothed cold cream on her face. 'Why do you do that, mommy?' he asked. 'To make myself beautiful,' said his mother, who then began removing the cream with a tissue. 'What's the matter?' asked Little Johnny.. 'Giving up?' ... * * * * * * * * * * * ... The math teacher saw that little Johnny wasn't paying attention in class. She called on him and said, 'Johnny! What are 2 and 4 and 28 and 44?' Little Johnny quickly replied, 'NBC, FOX, ESPN and the Cartoon Network!' ......


Disclaimer: This photo was copied from an E-mail that was sent to me from a friend. ... P/s: I wonder what happens next to the kid...

Danger of energy saving bulbs

Danger: The new eco-friendly bulbs contain toxic mercury (picture posed by model below) Energy-saving light bulbs are so dangerous that everyone must leave the room for at least 15 minutes if one falls to the floor and breaks , a Government department warned yesterday. ... The startling alert came as health experts also warned that toxic mercury inside the bulbs can aggravate a range of problems including migraines and dizziness. A leading dermatologist said tens of thousands of people with skin complaints will find it hard to tolerate being near the bulbs as they cause conditions such as eczema to flare up. ... The Department for Environment warned shards of glass from broken bulbs should not be vacuumed up but instead swept away by someone wearing rubber gloves to protect them from the bulb's mercury content. ... In addition, it said care should be taken not to inhale any dust and the broken pieces should be put in a sealed plastic bag for disposal at a council dump & not a...

I want to see a smile on your face...

1 mlm, 4 org pelajar kolej tlh brseronok sampai tngah mlm walaupn esoknya mereka ade ujian. Esoknye, mereka berempat memikirkn 1 idea yg bernas untuk mengelak mengambil ujian trsebut, lalu mereka menyapu muka mereka dngan minyak grease dn kotoran2 lain. ... Setibanye mereka ke kolej, mereka memberi alasan yg tayar kereta mereka bocor jd mereka tidak sempat untuk hadir mengambil ujian itu. Pensyarah yg mengendalikn ujian itu berkata mereka boleh mengambil ujian itu 2 hari lagi. Selepas berterima kasih, mereka pn keluar ngan gelak ketawa. ... Dua hari selepas itu, pensyarah itu mengatakn yg ujian yg mereka akn duduki itu istimewa lalu mereka berempat di letakkn di 4 bilik berasingan. Mereka bersetuju kerana mereka tlh bersedia sepenuhnye. ... ... Berikut adalah ape yg trkandung dlm kertas ujian mereka: ... Ujian ini mengandungi 2 soalan dengan jumlah markah 100. Q.1)Nama Anda:____________ (2 markah) Q.2)Tayar mana yang bocor? (98 markah) A.Depan Kanan B.Depan kiri C.Belakang Kanan D....

Cara terbaru menyebar kuman HIV

Oleh: Dr Yasmin Anum Mohd Yusof ... Berikut adalah artikel yang perlu diambil perhatian sekiranya anda belum membacanya... Sila baca artikel berikut mengenai orang yang HIV positif seronok menyebarkan virus HIV. Ianya pernah ke udara di dalam Televisyen Thai di mana pesakit HIV ditangkap & didakwatapi apa gunanya, beliau telah merosakkan ramai orang awam yang tak berdosa. ... Jadi sila berhati-hati ... Beberapa tempat berbahaya dan kebarangkalian menemui jarumpenyuntik yang telah digunakan penagih ... ... 1. Di kawasan pantai. Apabila anda berjalan di pantai sila pakaiselipar atau kasut, ada penagih dadah yang melakukan aktiviti di tepipantai danmenimbus jarum penyuntik di dalam pasir. Penyuntik inikemudiannya terdedah akibat ombak. ... 2. Di kawasan permainan kanak-kanak. Satu lagi kawasan pilihanpenagih.Terdapat kes di Australia di mana kanak-kanak yg tak berdosa telahtercucuk jarum penyuntik apabila beliau turun daripada papan lunsur &kemudiannya didapati HIV positif. ... 3....


> CLICK ON THE IMAGE FOR BETTER VIEW RESULT... ZOOM IMAGE TO 400% ... This is not real, but a symbolic of how ungrateful we really are. ... I do not say that God can missed a small stone from protecting you... It is really impossible. ... If you prayed something from god; for an example, you prayed for safety on the road, but later you hitted another car's bonnet accidently because of your careless. Do not blame God. ... Later, you will realise that if you had not prayed, you might be involved with a worse accident (maybe you crushed the car and were wrecked too...)


I am proud of The Spartans blogger which consists of eight people (Azhar Amirulhisyam, Muhammad Amirul Asyraf, Akmal Edzraf, Farid, Ahmad Muzakkir, Amirul Asyraaf and Haziq Khalili) although I do not know what the word SPARTANS itself means... ... Do not say I have no reasons for saying so... Firstly, they are my friends... Secondly, I bet everybody who read what they wrote will laugh (the blog posts are in Malaysian Bahasa Melayu). Next, they are the only The Spartans in the world and know what? they planned for their future, planned for doing business to support their team. No doubt, they have their own vision, though in different ways than other peoples. ... They can say reading my blog is such a boring part of their lives, but I write about things that amuses me. I write totally for myself, and my readers mind-digestion. Here, I want my readers to fell such a relaxful sensation. If you say you are annoyed with this blog's background music, (Phantom of the Opera) music, you c...

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