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Katy Perry, Yana and everything...

This happened in my dream last night, which I've dreamt Yana, Izzani and I myself, share a bedroom. It can be considered that we're room mates in 'that' dream. Yeah...

Weird? I don't think so.
By the way, don't blame me... It only a dream, okay.
Just a dream.

Then, I knew that Yana has just released her latest album (in the dream of course...)  -- that I knew she's actually Katy Perry! I discovered it accidently when I was opening her personal drawer and saw her newly released album. I wonder... Why she didn't tell me about that?

Know what? Now I am so relieved that she didn't discover me when I was opening her personal drawer. Will I be scolded in my own dream? I don't know... I wonder...

A new album entitled 'Teenage Dream,' huh? Sounds cool...
LOL... Yeah, and if it's just so true, her 'biggest bomb' song is PEACOCK! (LOL again...). I'm not joking. This is a back-throw of my last post. View it HERE.

That's her album cover.
GUESS WHAT!!! The album itself will smell like cotton candy.

I would like to hand a copy of it for free.
We're room mates, aren't we?

P/s: Yana, if Raffiq reads this, I don't know what would he say... He's a big fan of Katy. Couldn't wait to tell him...

CREDITS: Photos from:   Leaked-It   EsauFamily


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