In future, I picture myself as a CARDIOLOGIST. Yep, a good one. The best of all!
Describing about being a doctor, I do not simply choose my courses based on my abilities, result or other's opinion-- that does not really help. Otherwise, tend to choose based on my curiosity and the demand of my soon-blessed country.
Describing about being a doctor, I do not simply choose my courses based on my abilities, result or other's opinion-- that does not really help. Otherwise, tend to choose based on my curiosity and the demand of my soon-blessed country.
My target is to help those who are disabled financially, by voluntarily reduce (a part of) my income. Well, that does not simply help! Surely I will not give rebet thingy to those rich Tan Sri's and Dato's. I will tend to help those in poverty... That sure will do. A great change in the WORLD starts with a man. Maybe I could not help all those disabled, but at least, I could help a part of them-- and the rest, should be helped by others.. It will be a reality, Insya-Allah...
One has said, "The will of a man is stronger than iron bars!"
Then, please help me to help the world.